iXBRL Conversions
All corporation tax customers need to file their company tax returns online with accounts and calculations in “inline eXtensible Business Reporting Language” (iXBRL) format. Most clients will not need any information of iXBRL or what needs to be converted or tagged. Most iXBRL tags will be inserted behind the scenes if you use the commercial software. However, if you want to outsource iXBRL conversions and tagging, Vian Outsourced Accounting Services is there for you.
We, at Vian Outsourced Accounting Services, simplify iXBRL tagging for US, Ireland and UK accountancy practices. We offer a fully-managed iXBRL conversion service along with spreadsheets, word processor documents and PDF files.
Our iXBRL tagging service is conducted by an experienced technical team. The professionals tag the line items in your financial statements and tax returns with the UK GAAP/IFRS taxonomy labels. We review all accounts twice for quality assurance and then test them to ensure that they pass through the HMRC validation gateway.
What is the scope of work?
We convert iXBRL into the following types of the HMRC and Companies House:
Corporate tax return form (Form CT600) into XML
Corporation tax calculations into iXBRL
Financial statements
Review of tagged data
Filing iXBRL returns
Convert simple trial/ledger balances to the UK GAAP accounts
What you need to provide?
Word processor documents
PDF files of the data that you want us to tag and convert
What software systems we use?
Tax Calc